Photo above of Catherine Moore in Underpass Park Toronto is by Eccentric Montage. Used with permission:

Doors To Music

Consulting. Maximizing Arts & Business Skills.

Writing CD reviews may seem anachronistic (even contrarian) for a digital-media professor whose most recent conference presentation was put in the "futurist" timeslot. But far from being outdated, writing CD reviews exercises my Doors To Music skills because it requires me to:

  • Listen closely
  • Write down what I hear
  • State and support a clear opinion based on close analysis
  • Describe in words something that's elusive, difficult, and subjective
  • Meet deadlines

Read that list again. In choosing a consultant, these are key qualities you should seek.

Catherine Moore has been a music critic since 1990 for American Record Guide, and works as a consultant under the name "Doors To Music". She taught at New York University from 1995 to 2016, and directed the Music Business Program there for many years. She is a graduate of Bishop's University (Sherbrooke, Québec), the Conservatoire de Musique (Montréal, Québec), and the University of Liverpool (UK).

Since moving to Toronto in 2016, Catherine has been Adjunct Professor of Music Technology & Digital Media in the University of Toronto's Faculty of Music where she teaches about music entrepreneurship and digital media distribution.


Toronto, Canada